Certificate in Anglican Studies (C.A.S.)

Certificate in Anglican Studies.

The Certificate in Anglican Studies may be completed in one year (two years if necessary). All students must complete the seminary’s application process and be accepted as a CTH student. Those students who complete this Certificate without a prior M.Div. and who later complete the M.Div. will not be allowed to use their Certificate coursework retroactively to upgrade to a Th.M degree. To obtain the Th.M., students must apply for the Thesis Option.

Required Courses. In total, six courses are required. The following four courses are mandatory:

  • Anglicanism, Doctrine of God and Christ, Thirty-Nine Articles, Liturgics

The student may choose two of the following courses:

  • Spirituality, Patristic Church History, Doctrine of Church/Sacraments, Doctrine of Man/Sin/Salvation

Randy Rogers, C.A.S. Graduate

"It is completely affordable, the classes are of a superior quality... I intend to do all that I can to support this Orthodox, Anglican, Church-centered resource."